2016 Decolonial Feminist Workshop

The focus of the Decolonial Feminist Politics workshop for the summer of 2016 is the work of Trinh T. Minh-ha (1952). Trinh is a Vietnamese theorist and filmmaker, and her works address feminism, postcoloniality, immigration and refugeeism, and indigenous theory. Of particular interest are her books such as When the Moon Waxes Red: Representation, gender and cultural politics (Routledge 1991) and Woman, Native, Other: Writing postcoloniality and feminism (Indiana University Press 1989). We are also hoping to integrate several of Minh-ha’s films into the workshop; films will be shown in the evening.

Anyone interested in participating in this workshop should submit an application that includes (a) a cv as well as (b) a cover letter stating why you are interested in the workshop. A rolling review of applications will begin on May 1st 2016. This workshop is intended primarily for graduate students, junior scholars, untenured faculty, or independent scholars, but we encourage all to apply. Applications should be sent directly to lispaquette@gmail.com.

While we encourage all participants to apply to their departments for travel funding, we also recognise that this is not always possible. In an attempt to ensure that those who are underfunded or lack adequate support are able to participate, some travel funding is available for participants. The travel funding will be allocated on a sliding scale basis. Anyone who is in need of additional travel funding is asked to submit a statement of need along with their application, as well as a budget detailing how they would use the funds.

Travel funds were made possible through the small grant fund of the American Philosophical Association.


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